
Intel 建議不要用 Core i7-7700K 處理器超頻

在 DIY 中近年中大受超頻者喜愛的 Intel i7 K 系列,向來也被視為 Intel 平台上超頻必備的首選,以不鎖倍頻作賣點的 K 系處理器,為超頻留下了不少的潛力,然而在 Intel 的眼中似乎並非同意。

日前在 Intel 的官方論壇上,有用家討論有關 Core i7-7700K "CPU Voltage Spike" 的問題,簡單的說是 CPU 的電壓在頻率變動時控制不好,會有要求過多電量的問題。而讓人感到意外的是,一位名為 Ronald 的 Intel 人員作出了一篇頗為官方的回應,原文如下:

Hello Everyone,
We appreciate the feedback you have provided, and your patience as we investigated this behavior. The reported behavior of the 7th Generation Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor, showing momentary temperature changes from the idle temperature, is normal while completing a task (like opening a browser or an application or a program).

In our internal investigation, we did not observe temperature variation outside of the expected behavior and recommended specifications. For processor specifications, please refer to the Intel® Core™ i7-7700K Processor Product Specifications.
Most motherboard manufacturers offer customizable fan speed control settings that may allow for smoother transition of fan revolutions per minute (rpm). Please consult your motherboard manufacturer’s manual or website for instructions on how to change default fan speed control settings.
We do not recommend running outside the processor specifications, such as by exceeding processor frequency or voltage specifications, or removing of the integrated heat spreader (sometimes called “de-lidding”). These actions will void the processor warranty.
Kindest Regards,Ronald M.
具爭議性的地方是"We" 不建議用家運行預定以外的時脈和電壓,這些行為會導致失去處理器的保養。

如果不可以超頻使用,那麼 K 系列的處理器到底有什麼存在價值? 而 Intel 自己贊助的超頻活動也會用到K 系列的處理器,到底是可以超還是不能超,或者只是 Intel 幫自已戴的一頂頭盔而已,無需要過份解讀呢?


